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"It's all about the people"


A Full Agenda for July and August

25 Jul 2012 11:31 AM | Anonymous

BCYC completed their Annual Cruise in late June and held a number of events in July with more planned for August.   A July 4th celebration was cancelled due to the intense June 29th storm and loss of power in Annapolis.   Another venue, the Eastern Shore, had a number of boats visit the Rhode River on the 5th, and Miles River Yacht Club on the 6th and 7th.   On July 21st a raft up was held on the Wye River with a fresh crab dinner ashore. 

 A group also attended “Dames at Sea” July 27th for a tap-happy, Navy-crazy musical at the CTA Theatre Complex in Annapolis with dinner beforehand at the Broadneck Grill . 

The Club’s Annual Lobster Feast Weekend was held August 11-12 at Wally and Molly Stone's, shoreside residence on Crab Creek off the South River.  A flip-flop-and drop breakfast followed the next morning.  August 25th will be another raft up before the Labor Day weekend September 1-3, with a crab feast on the 2nd. 

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